The base url for API calls is https://jitpack.io/api
Get all builds for a project and build outcomes.
GET /builds/:groupId/:artifactId
For example, the project https://github.com/jitpack/maven-simple will have the path:
and a full url:
curl https://jitpack.io/api/builds/com.github.jitpack/maven-simple
"com.github.jitpack" : {
"maven-simple" : {
"1.1" : "ok",
"1.0" : "ok",
"0.5" : "Error",
"0.1" : "ok"
Builds are ordered by time when they were executed.
Single build
Get a single build for a project and it’s outcome.
GET /builds/:groupId/:artifactId/:tag
To delete a build and it’s artifacts use:
DELETE /builds/:groupId/:artifactId/:tag
You need to be authenticated when deleting a build and your user needs to have push permissions to the git repository. Note that you can only delete failed builds, snapshot builds or tag builds newer than 7 days. Older versions can’t be deleted because there could be builds depending on those versions.
Latest build
Get the latest build by tag. Tags are compared according to semantic versioning.
GET /builds/:groupId/:artifactId/latest
Get the latest build that was successfull.
GET /builds/:groupId/:artifactId/latestOk
API for private repositories uses basic authentication using your authentication token as the username. You can find your token on https://jitpack.io/private.
curl -uTOKEN: https://jitpack.io/api/builds/:groupId/:artifactId/:tag
Search for releases based on project name.
GET /search?q=text
will find all projects that contain the given text in their name or groupId.
The result consists of project name and a list of releases. For example:
"com.github.jitpack:gradle-simple" : [ "1.0.4", "1.0.3" ],
"com.github.jitpack:maven-simple" : [ "1.0", "0.1" ],
"com.github.jitpack:android-example" : [ "1.0.5.rc1", "v1.0.4" ],
Up to 50 results are returned by default and can be tweaked using &limit=10
To find a project by artifactId only use q=:gradle-simple
To find a project by groupId only use q=com.github.jitpack:
Download Statistics
See weekly and monthly download stats
GET /downloads/:groupId/:artifactId
For example,
curl https://jitpack.io/api/downloads/com.github.jitpack/gradle-modular
Get download stats for individual versions
GET /downloads/:groupId/:artifactId/:tag