Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
Add it in your root settings.gradle at the end of repositories:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add it in your settings.gradle.kts at the end of repositories:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url = uri("") }
Add to pom.xml
Add it in your build.sbt at the end of resolvers:
resolvers += "jitpack" at ""
Add it in your project.clj at the end of repositories:
:repositories [["jitpack" ""]]
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.diegoperini:ffmpeg-android-java:v0.4.1'
dependencies {
libraryDependencies += "com.github.diegoperini" % "ffmpeg-android-java" % "v0.4.1"
:dependencies [[com.github.diegoperini/ffmpeg-android-java "v0.4.1"]]
This project is discontinued. There is a much better alternative by bravobit which incorporates good parts of this fork and also attempts to solve some existing issues. I'll be keeping a close eye to its issue tracker and contribute there instead.
Edit your project's build.gradle (not app) like this. (important line is jitpack)
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
Add below line to your app's build.gradle dependencies.
compile 'com.github.diegoperini:ffmpeg-android-java:v0.4.9'
to properly wait for ffmpeg state.killRunningProcesses()
to properly kill the execution.FFmpeg.getInstance()
overload to work with a ContextProvider
instead of a context. It is a fix for a common memory leak caused by storing the context internally. Old factory method is still supported but marked as deprecated.isFFmpegCommandRunning()
to properly return running state status. (thanks to @pawaom)GPLv3
FFmpeg Android java is a java library that simplifies your task of using ffmpeg in Android project which I've compiled using FFmpeg-Android
These are two basic methods of this library:
loadBinary(FFmpegLoadBinaryResponseHandler ffmpegLoadBinaryResponseHandler) throws FFmpegNotSupportedException
execute(String cmd, FFmpegExecuteResponseHandler ffmpegExecuteResponseHandler) throws FFmpegCommandAlreadyRunningException
For examples and usage instructions head over to: