Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
Add it in your root settings.gradle at the end of repositories:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add it in your settings.gradle.kts at the end of repositories:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url = uri("") }
Add to pom.xml
Add it in your build.sbt at the end of resolvers:
resolvers += "jitpack" at ""
Add it in your project.clj at the end of repositories:
:repositories [["jitpack" ""]]
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.tarossi:embedded-redis:1.5.2'
dependencies {
libraryDependencies += "com.github.tarossi" % "embedded-redis" % "1.5.2"
:dependencies [[com.github.tarossi/embedded-redis "1.5.2"]]
Redis embedded server for Scala Integration Testing.
This is a fork of, which in turn is a fork of
Running RedisServer is as simple as:
RedisServer redisServer = new RedisServer(6379);
// do some work
You can also provide RedisServer with your own executable:
// Give an OS-independent matrix
RedisExecProvider provider = RedisExecProvider.defaultProvider()
.override(OS.UNIX, "/path/to/unix/redis")
.override(OS.WINDOWS, Architecture.x86, "/path/to/windows/redis")
.override(OS.WINDOWS, Architecture.x86_64, "/path/to/windows/redis64")
.override(OS.MAC_OS_X, Architecture.x86, "/path/to/macosx/redis")
.override(OS.MAC_OS_X, Architecture.x86_64, "/path/to/macosx/redis64")
RedisServer redisServer = new RedisServer(provider, 6379);
You can also use fluent API to create RedisServer:
RedisServer redisServer = new RedisServer.Builder()
.slaveOf("locahost", 6378)
Or even create the redis.conf file from the builder:
RedisServer redisServer = new RedisServer.Builder()
.slaveOf("locahost", 6378)
.setting("daemonize no")
.setting("appendonly no")
The JedisUtil
class contains utility methods to get the list of port in a Jedis friendly format.
Embedded Redis has support for Redis Cluster.
Redis cluster = new RedisCluster.Builder()
Embedded Redis has support for HA Redis clusters with Sentinels and master-slave replication
A simple Redis cluster on ephemeral ports, with setup similar to that from production, would look like this:
//creates a cluster with 3 sentinels, quorum size of 2 and 3 replication groups, each with one master and one slave
cluster = new SentinelCluster.Builder()
.replicationGroup("master1", 1)
.replicationGroup("master2", 1)
.replicationGroup("master3", 1)
The above example starts Redis cluster on ephemeral ports, which you can later get with cluster.ports()
which will return a list of all ports of the cluster. You can also get ports of sentinels with cluster.sentinelPorts()
or servers with cluster.serverPorts()
This library also includes an utility for helping you integrating it with Jedis
//retrieve ports on which sentinels have been started, using a simple Jedis utility class
Set<String> jedisSentinelHosts = JedisUtil.sentinelHosts(cluster);
// testing code that requires redis running
JedisSentinelPool pool = new JedisSentinelPool("master1", jedisSentinelHosts);
You can also start Redis cluster on predefined ports and even mix both approaches:
final List<Integer> sentinels = Arrays.asList(26739, 26912);
final List<Integer> group1 = Arrays.asList(6667, 6668);
final List<Integer> group2 = Arrays.asList(6387, 6379);
//creates a cluster with 3 sentinels, quorum size of 2 and 3 replication groups, each with one master and one slave
cluster = new SentinelCluster.Builder()
.serverPorts(group1).replicationGroup("master1", 1)
.serverPorts(group2).replicationGroup("master2", 1)
.ephemeralServers().replicationGroup("master3", 1)
The above will create and start a cluster with sentinels on ports 26739, 26912
, first replication group on 6667, 6668
second replication group on 6387, 6379
and third replication group on ephemeral ports.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0